Chapter 3 After

Submitted by EEA on Mon, 02/25/2013 - 06:05

Things were good in third grade, I had no worries, no one that liked me, I was still shy and only answer a few questions here and there. Talk a few times and made some sort of friends. It wasn't easy though especially when it came to the field trips. There sacrifices were made, I was chosen last because when it came to being on the school bus, riding to the museum for an hour or two hours, certainly you want someone to talk too. Not someone like who stays quiet all the ride, who if you speak too, will mumble some words, who in order not to talk will instead get out a book and read away. Then if my field trip buddy was lucky and I got in first and sat by the window he or she would have a chance to seat by the aisle were he could talk to his friends, while I looked out the window. But if they had bad luck and I wasn't paying attention when they motion me to seat down first the teacher would tell my buddy to sit down because he was holding up the other students who needed to sit down. And so then it was bad luck for him or her whose only amusement was to look at the window and become bored.
Other than that I got a long with my classmates. They did encourage me to talk and the few times that I manage to have the courage. I did good in school, there was no complaints, I dreaded working in groups or playing in a team, but I got a long with everyone and even manage to get a lot of chocolates and Valentine cards from everyone from the class.