Håkan Emptyhanded

Submitted by Wolfchild on Fri, 11/20/2009 - 04:44

What! Where is it? How could you forget it? You idiot! Hungry.

"You're supposed to help me!"

Must eat. Your blood! No. Lucky for you I still need you. But I don't need you if you can't help me. You know what happens then.

"Do I really have to take care of this myself?"

Your blood! Yours! You said that some day you would feed me your own blood. Are you going to do it now? Yes. YOURS! NOW! Is that what you want?

Well, don't just sit there with that stupid, scared look on your face!

"Say something!"

Håkan: "Forgive me."

Forgive you?!? Must eat. I'm leaving before I KILL you!.