Water floating

Submitted by Intrige on Wed, 07/04/2012 - 09:50

On Danskebåten (The dannish boat) it went to Danmark of course. Helena worked as a maid. She cleaned the rooms and lived in Københaven, the capital of Danmark. Most norwegians were happy to live there, and so was she. And every other day she would take the boat from Danmark to Norway, and back again by the next few days, and when evening came she went to bed in her nice apartment at home or in a hotel in Oslo. It was boring, but she was used to it.

One day she cleaned a room, well of course she did. It was locked as always but she had the keys. She rolled in the brooms and soap in a tiny wagon and looked around. But something was weird. All the tiny round windows were covered with black sheets, stuck with tape. On the bed it was a huge pile of blankets, as if someone had put pillows under them. On the top it was a small note written in english: "Do not make bed or remove sheets from windows." And so she didn't. But she washed and cleaned everything else and sang while she did so. And then she moved on, this was rather strange but she never gave it much thought after she was done.

She was on the deck cleaning the floors with her little wagon dragging along, dressed all in white with light blue rubber gloves. She was tired, had been working all day. The boat was headed home, and she looked forward to sleep now. So she stopped for a minute, dried the swet off her fourhead. She looked around, heard children laughing. Without thinking she searched for the source, and she soon found it.

By the edge of the boat at the very front two children were. They laughed and stood on one of the fence sticks, there were two steps on the fence. They leaned over and pointed at something in the sea, and laughed. One was dark haired and the other one a blond. She walked a bit closer to them without anyone noticing. If her boss was her he'd tell her to start cleaning. But he was nowhere to be seen right now.

Then the blond one said with a boy's voice:
"Look! A whale!" The dark one started looking for it, twisted its head a bit.
"Where!?" The child said also with a somewhat boyish voice. The boy leaned even more over the fence, pointed.
"Right there!" He said.
"Where?" The blond one leaned over even more.
"Theeree! Are you blind?" He teased and laughed.
"No, but where? I can't belive I can't see it, I see far too well for this!"
"I know! Look really close now, right Theereee!" He leaned over even more, and Helena could see his body getting out of balance. And before she knew it the boy fell over and screamed.

The dark one leaned over and yelled.
"Oskar!!" And Helena yelled behind the boy.
"A kid feel over board!!!" As laud as she could, the dark one turned around, looked really worried. Then the boy stepped up on the fence and jumped down gracefully, Helena couldn't belive her eyes. What the..?
"Two kids over board!!" She yelled. By now some people had showed up, inclouding her boss.
"Oh my god! Where?" He yelled. She pointed at where they stood.
"Right there, first one tripped over, and the other one jumped after!" Her boss was shocked.
"Yes!" She answered. She ran over to the fence and looked down, she saw nothing. Soon a big lamp lit over the sea, and tried to find them. As that happened two men dressed in hospital red suits went to the small boats on the side of the crouse.

Then she saw them, the light had hit the spot. They seemed to swim well despite of the waves coming constantly. Helping each other and holding each other with one arm each. Many people had gathered up and looked at what she obsurved. And soon the boat came and picked them up, and towels were put around them. They were still holding each other.

She and the rest of the people moved to the side of the boat where the rubber boat was being liftd on the deck, and soon enough they were up. The kids walked over to the deck all by them selves, and they didn't look cold. Just terrebly wet. One of the men who saved them held the blond one's shoulder and said:
"You're sure you're okay?" The dark one aswered for him.
"Yes we're fine, thank you for saving us."
"Yes.. Thanks." The blond one seemed a bit imberresed, and they soon got off there before anyone could ask them any more questions. Everybody wondered where their parents were, they wanted to see the kids jump into mom and dad's arms. But they ran off.

Randomly she walked by a corner where they stood, and she stopped. And silently listened to what they said. They spoke in Swedish, which was no problem understanding.
"You fool! Stupid stupid, are you crazy? And stupid?" It was the blond one who spoke, she saw just enough to obsurve them in action. They were hugging, and the blond one seemed a bit mad. The dark one seemed rather clam.
"Yes I am stupid and crazy, but try to tell that to my heart." The blond one sighed, and didn't seem mad anymore. Instead he smiled a bit.
"Well, thanks anyway. It was really scary and nice to have you there. That was what you thought right?" They released, and the dark one smiled.
"No, I just remembered that you don't swim so well, ha!" The blond one acted mad.
"I do too! You gave me superpowers remember?" The dark one laughed.
"Oh yeeah! That's right. I forgot!" They made silly faced to each other and laughed again. Then they grew more serious again and the dark one spoke a bit slower.
"I know you don't like water too well, ever since the pool. And what if they didn't find you until the sun came up, then I would at least want be there with you." Helena had no idea what they talked about, she simply didn't understand this.

The blond one got a bit sader and they hugged again, this time much closer.
"I would have done the same for you. You know.."
"I know."

Helena got a bit shocked again when the two little boys started kissing for a few seconds. Very innocently, but at the same time somewhat too pashonate acoriding to their age. They released, smiled and grabbed each other's hands. Happily thay walked with their back turned to her. And somewhere far away she heard the dark one say:
"You know, I never got to see that stupid whale."

The same evening she saw them walk into the main land with two bags, and that was it. Happy as ever and still holding hands. She never saw them again, even though she wished to. But she couldn't sleep that night, she kept thinking about what an odd couple those two actually were. And why they didn't have their parents with them, after all they walked off alone. She never saw anything like it again.