Oskar hugs Eli behind the candy store

Submitted by sauvin on Thu, 01/14/2010 - 06:56

(Interior running monologue in one of my interpretations of Eli's character at the candy store. Cleaned up from an original that may still surface, and amplified somewhat, but you still probably don't want the kids reading it.)

He's asking me to wait here. Oh, he's getting candy? I used to like candy, didn't I? I don't remember. Ugh, that stuff stinks! How can people eat it? Why do people have to eat so much?

Oh, crap, there's a cat. I didn't see it in time. Good thing it's behind glass. I really don't feel like killing anything right now. Not with Oskar right here. Did Oskar see the cat spazz out at me? No, he was looking the other way. Nobody saw it. Good. Very good. I'll just move away a little.

Chapter 13 - Regression

Submitted by a_contemplative_life on Wed, 01/13/2010 - 04:53


Oskar vomited into the toilet. Most of his dinner came out the first time, and a little more on the second round. Then he endured some dry heaves before he finally felt better.

He remained kneeling for a few moments in front of the bowl in his underwear, shivering. Fever is getting higher, he thought. He stood and looked at himself in the vanity as he shook three Tylenol out of the bottle and put it back on the sink. You don’t look so hot. Should go lie down.

Fate's Favor

Submitted by moonvibe34 on Tue, 01/12/2010 - 00:25

Oskar and Eli hear my voice and ponder my words.

To most Fate is cruel and scornful, a tyrant who delights in the
misery of man.
Yet upon your two souls she has cast favor and allowed your lives
to mingle.
Esteem lightly not her favor for she is proud and takes delight in the
sorrows of those who refuse her.
In her morbid collection of mankind's aspirations she takes much joy.

Oskar, cling to that which so many have striven, bled and perished
for without ever knowing fully.
Understand what is before you, look not with your eyes.

Hunted, part 2

Submitted by AussieDogs on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 00:11

The following work is fiction based on and derived from the novel Let the Right One In by John A. Linqvist and the film of the same name. The characters and basic story elements in this work were created by Mr. Linqvist. No copyright protection applies.
Hunted, part 2
In an abandoned farm root cellar, Oskar sat on the edge of the old sofa that served as Eli’s bed, staring down at a sheet of paper. In dim lantern light, it was difficult to read the carefully printed lines, and the ink was starting to run as tears landed heavily on the paper.

To my beloved Oskar:

Chapter 12 - A Nocturnal Visit

Submitted by a_contemplative_life on Sun, 01/10/2010 - 12:12


Oskar stuck his hands a little deeper into the pockets of his parka, hoping to slow the penetration of cold through his gloves and into his fingers. It didn’t help much, but it made him feel better. He hustled along the final curve of Horsensgatan before it connected with 63.

He wished it hadn’t snowed so early and so heavily so he could have kept riding his bike. Naturally, everything had to be difficult; even the weather was piling on to make his life miserable.


Submitted by Wolfchild on Sun, 01/10/2010 - 06:20

I got the idea for this piece from a_contemplative_life and the excellent thread that he started: "Dear Eli; Dear Oskar". (Thanks, a_c_l.)
In that thread I had written a letter from Oskar to Eli in response to someone else's letter where Eli asked Oskar if he wanted to be turned. I have recycled my letter in this piece.
This work is based upon characters and a story created by John Ajvide Lindqvist. I assert copyright over any portion not subject to the copyright of John Ajvide Lindqvist.


Submitted by moonvibe34 on Sun, 01/10/2010 - 01:46

My spirit is weak and my mind weeps.
The hopes of this life have become daggers that have pierced my soul.
My wounds I fear are mortal.
My fractured heart has bled out, my veins have collapsed.
My essence is starved, craving the delicacy of life.
I feel the rot and decay of my soul within push toward the surface.
I cannot let this be.
I shall retreat within myself until the sun sets on a better day.
Will I find solace in the depths of my mind?
Shall I be consumed by the rot within?
Can a soul be revived?

Chapter 11 - Eli's Dream

Submitted by a_contemplative_life on Sat, 01/09/2010 - 14:27

Chapter 11

Running through the woods
Run with me Oskar run fast like deer
I hold your hand we must hurry, hurry
I know you don’t understand
but trust me don’t stop

You are what I need
But not here in the dark woods,
not in the darkness
It must be there, I see it now I can hear it
Where the silver coldness comes down
Where darkness becomes light
That’s where I must be with you,

Chapter 10 - Eli Goes to Sleep

Submitted by a_contemplative_life on Fri, 01/08/2010 - 06:01


Oskar woke up. He had overslept; it was already past 4 p.m., according to the alarm clock on the floor by his mattress, and would certainly be dark outside by now. He stood and stretched.

As he dressed, he thought about last night. He was both happy and sad: happy that his emotional bond with Eli had been restored; sad that tonight she would be leaving.

Eli was not around, and as he moved into the kitchen, he saw that the bathroom door was closed. Sleepyhead, he thought with a smile. Well, she’ll be up in a minute.